Dive deep into fascinating changes and trends in the tech world.

Want to learn more about this digital life we’re all immersed in? Each day, Kim Komando shares the tech news that impacts you, smart tips to get more out of your devices, and essential ways to protect yourself from hackers and scammers — all in just 30 minutes.

She's a "human cyborg" with 52 implants

February 5, 2024

Anastasia Synn is the world-record holder for tech implants in her body. She can make calls right from her wrist, detect metal objects, and yes, her hands are magnetic. Plus, we talk about Elon Musk's humanoid robot and a Gen Z work debate that's going viral.

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Can you tell if it's clickbait?

February 2, 2024

Kim, Andrew, and Allie try guessing what clickbaity articles are about, or not — and yes, you can play this with your friends! We talk about 5 tech headlines that'll get you in the know, and why a professor is calling for more diverse robots. Plus, we'll share our great tips.

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