Dive deep into fascinating changes and trends in the tech world.

Want to learn more about this digital life we’re all immersed in? Each day, Kim Komando shares the tech news that impacts you, smart tips to get more out of your devices, and essential ways to protect yourself from hackers and scammers — all in just 30 minutes.

Tipping in the U.S. just got worse

January 25, 2024

Kim and Andrew talk about the biggest data breach ever (over 26 billion leaked!), along with a wild tipping story, Google's move to ditch search engine testers, and what your dog loves watching on TV! 

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Woman says Wi-Fi signals make her seriously Ill

January 24, 2024

Are you allergic to Wi-Fi? Kim and Andrew chat with Deborah Cooney, who believes that radio waves from tech are so harmful to her health, she moved to the Wi-Fi-free town. Plus, we'll cover Biden deepfakes, a woman married to a ragdoll, and an important iPhone setting. 

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